Vintage French: New Studio Space November 19 2014
October and November in Haute Savoie involves spectacular autumnal coloring and occasionally beautiful blue skied clear crisp days. A lot of the time however, it rains. A lot. And is cold!!
Up to now Vintage French’s photographic studio has been located underneath the terrace of our rented home!! With the winter approaching we had to come up with a solution that allowed me to keep bringing you pictures of delicious Vintage French stock through the winter season. Over the weekend, we have created a studio in our cellar, which I am popping with excitement to share with you.
Now I realise this is not a top quality photographic studio, but it is important to us to keep an eye on the budget so we don’t blow the prices for you and so we can keep delivering excellent value, quality vintage pieces at the same time as improving our photographs to give you an ever more accurate representation of our stock.
We did a family photo shoot in the new space this weekend, more on that next year.